NEW SPELL: Elemental Force

The following spell is for the forthcoming Elementalist class. In the mean time, it may be used as a magic-user spell, though for magic-users it is advised it be split into four separate spells, one for each element.

Elementary Force (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 2, Casting Time: 1/2 turn
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1" per level
Duration: 1 turn per level
Affected Area: 1 quasi-being
Effect Summary: Calls into existence an elemental quasi-being of humanoid form under the explicit control of the caster.

Description: By means of this power, the elementalist creates a semi-intelligent elementary being of humanoid form under the activator's explicit control. Continuous concentration is required to maintain and command the elementary. It can be commanded to do all sorts of physical activity humans can do, including opening doors, holding and carrying objects, and fighting. Additional tasks may also be accomplished depending on the type of elementary. A fire elementary can ignite flammable objects, an air elementary can dissipate gas or mists, an earth elementary can excavate unrefined minerals at a rate of 80 cubic feet of loose soil, 40 cubic feet of hard earth, and 10 cubic feet of solid stone per round, and a water elemental can cool any object or extinguish any flame it touches.

Statistics for Elementaries are as follows:
Hit points equal to caster's Intelligence score + 2 per level, never to exceed 8 hp per Hit Die;
For purposes of determining hit probability and saving throws, and maximum hit points, an elementary will have 4 HD, plus 1 HD per 2 full points of Intelligence above 9;
Movement rate of 12" (15" for air, 9" for Earth) but may go no further distance than the indicated range;
In combat, it can attack once per round for 1d4 damage of type according to the elementary type (air delivers electrical harm, water delivers cold harm, and earth is considered 'crushing blow' for purposes of item saves), but its initiative score is one worse than that of the activator;
The elementary has an effective Strength score equal to the caster's Intelligence for purposes of determining carrying capacity, ability to open doors and lift gates, and modification of hit and damage in combat;
Its armor class is 8 and it saves as a magic user of level equal to its hit dice, these defensive statistics vary by plus or minus 2 if defending against an elemental attack of same or opposing type respectively. Of course, as it is mindless and made of elemental matter, it is unaffected by any sort of mind infuencing magic, poison, paralysis, or petrifaction effects.

If at any time, the elementary's hit points are depleted or the elementalist's concentration is broken, the elementary dissipates instantly ending the power's duration. The material components for this power are incense and and charcoal for creating the summoning circle.


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