NEW SPELL: Lullaby

Technically a Druid spell, this one is exclusive for Bard characters.

Lullaby (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1, Casting Time: 3 rounds
Components: V, S, M (Instrument)
Range: 0 (centered on caster)
Duration: 1 turn per caster level
Affected Area: radius of 1" per caster level
Effect Summary: May cause any number of subjects within affected area and not engaged in combat to become sleepy, subject to bard's Charm % and saving throw.

Description: This spell takes a full 3 rounds (minutes) to complete. The effect of this lullaby is to cause those listeners within the area to feel sleepy. It only effects those not engaged in combat. For each intended subject, the Bard must succeed in his Charm % roll, and even then the subject is then entitled to a Saving Throw vs Spell. Those fresh or watchful gain a +2 bonus to this save, those who are either nervous or alert gain +1 to the save, and those who are drowsy or fatigued save at -2. All adjustments that apply are cumulative, so for example a diligent and worried guard at the end of his 12 hour watch is considered watchful, nervous, and fatigued, adjusting his save by +2, +1, and -2 respectively, for a final adjustment of +1 to his save. Those who fail the save fall into a peaceful slumber. They are considered to be in a light sleep, not magical sleep. They will be easily roused by loud movement or any noise and certainly by any attempt to do harm. Provided they are left undisturbed and the surroundings are relatively quiet, the slumber will last 1 turn per level of the Bard. The material component for this spell is the bard's instrument.


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