[LA] Avatar Creation

STEP 1: Choose Race

Lejendary Essentials offers the selection of Human, Dwarf, Ilf, Kobold, and Oaf (Typical and Major). In addition, the Lejendary Rules for All Players offers Gnomes, Orcs (Greater, Lesser, and Common), Trollkin, Wylf, and Veshoge. For new players, we recommend playing a Human.

STEP 2: Determine Knacks and Quirks

Orcs, Oafs, and Veshoge Avatars have a specific number of Knacks and Quirks they begin with. Other races are assumed to begin with 1 Knack and 1 Quirk. The primary purpose of Knack and Quirks is to keep Alfar Avatars varied and mysterious, and so for Alfar they should be interpreted as extremely as possible. In my game, Humans are 90% likely to possess a Knack and only 50% likely to possess a Quirk.

STEP 3: Assign Points to Base Ratings

You may wish to look ahead to which Abilities you will want for your Avatar. Some common distributions for Humans, and the Orders that best fit with them are:

60/32/8: Mariner, Noble, Outlaw, Soldier

55/35/10: Mariner, Noble, Outlaw, Rogue, Soldier

50/40/10: Jongleur, Mariner, Noble, Outlaw, Rogue, Soldier

44/44/12: Ecclesiastic, Elementalist, Jongleur, Mage

40/48/12: Demonurge, Ecclesiastic, Forester, Jongleur, Warlock

40/50/10: Desperado, Forester, Jongleur, Outlaw, Rogue, Soldier

STEP 4: Roll Random Die Additions

Roll the dice indicated, and write down the result, but I recommend holding off on adding them to the Base Ratings until all adjustments have been determined.

STEP 5: Choose and Rank Abilities

If the related Base Rating for an Ability is low, you probably shouldn't select it as a first Ability. Nor should you have more than 1 or 2 Abilities related to a low BR score. The quickest and easiest way to get started for Human Avatars is to choose one of the Orders and match up the abilities.

STEP 6: Compute BR and Ability Scores

This is the step where you compute dreaded percentages. One important note here. Whichever Ability is associated with the highest percentage is the Avatar's First Ability and will always b the First Ability. Ranking of the remaining Abilities can change according to their actual score.

STEP 7: Apply Order or Unordered Benefits

Only the benefits of the Avatar's current rank is applicable. Lower (numerically higher) Rank benefits are skipped. The one exception is 9th Rank. 9th Rank benefits are always applicable. So if an Avatar begins at 8th Rank, the Avatar gets both 8th and 9th Rank benefits.

STEP 8: Select Equipment Picks

The sheer number of picks can seem daunting, especially for Avatars without Extraordinary Abilities. I find it helpful to break it down into several categories. Try to pick at least one item for each category if possible. Add to it those items you know for sure you want, and you will find the equipment picks are used up rather quickly. The categories I use are: Armaments, Clothing, Containers, Herbs (including poisons and healing items such as antidotes and salves), Lightning, Provisions, Tools, and Transportation (horses).


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