Crime & Punishment in the Fantasy RPG

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Just a list of crimes and their punishments in the fantasy RPG. Of course everything is going to vary from one place to another, but it doesn't hurt to have a base line or starting point.

Misdemeanors, Tried by a Justice of the Peace
Gaol-breaking1 month of added time
Battery10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Lewd Conduct10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Disorderly Conduct10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Drunk & Disorderly Conduct10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Impersonation, Petty10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Begging without License10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Prostitution without License10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Criminal Trespass10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Soliciting for Prostitution without License10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Vagrancy10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol
Theft, Petty (10 s.p. or less)Restitution and 10 silver pieces and/or 1 week gaol time, quadruple gaol time without restitution
Use of False Weights10-25 silver pieces and/or up to 1 month of gaol time, plus possible pillorying
Passing Off of Shoddy Goods25-100 silver pieces and/or 1 to 2 months of gaol time, plus possible pillorying
Resisting Arrest100 silver pieces and/or 1 month in gaol
Gaming (gambling) without License100 silver pieces and/or 1 month in gaol
Disrespect to a Noble or Ecclesiastic50-250 silver pieces and/or 1 to 4 months of gaol time, plus possible flogging at the cart
Shoplifting50-250 silver pieces and/or 1 to 3 months in gaol
Breaking & Entering100-500 silver pieces and/or 1 to 3 months in gaol
Assault100-1000 silver pieces and/or 1 to 6 months in gaol
Adulterating food or drink200-2500 silver pieces and/or 1 to 6 months in gaol
Coercion100-1000 silver pieces and/or 1 to 6 months in gaol
Endangering property500-5000 silver pieces and/or 6 months in gaol
Endangering life by careless use of magic500-5000 silver pieces and/or 12 months in gaol
Mental control/domination by magic500-5000 silver pieces and/or 12 months in gaol
Accessory, not otherwise shownHalf the punishment meted out to the offender
Accessory after the factHalf the punishment meted out to the offender
Third non-capital offense, feloniousHanging if branded, branding otherwise
Third non-capital offense, pettyFlogging at the cart if branded, pillorying for 6 to 24 hours time otherwise

Felonies, Tried by a Magistrate
Riot6 months - 2 years bond or penal servitude
Inciting a Riot3 months - 1 year bond or penal servitude
Embezzlement1 to 5 years of bond servitude
Impersonation1 to 5 years of bond servitude
Destruction of Private Property1 to 5 years of bond servitude
Purse Cutting/Snatching1 year penal servitude
Theft1 to 5 years of bond or penal servitude
Receiving Stolen Goods2 years of bond servitude
Tax Evasion3 years of bond servitude
Sale of Stolen Goods3 years of bond servitude
Burglary3 to 5 years of bond or penal servitude
Swindling/Confidence Games3 to 5 years of bond or penal servitude
Assault with a Deadly Weapon5 years of bond or penal servitude
Prison-breaking5 years of added time
Gaol-breaking, accessory5 years of bond or penal servitude
Grave Robbing5 years of bond or penal servitude
Harboring a Felon5 years of bond or penal servitude
Forgery5 years of bond or penal servitude
Smuggling5 years of bond or penal servitude
Coin Shaving5 years of bond or penal servitude
Destruction/Theft of Government Property5 years of bond or penal servitude
Racketeering/Protection5 years of bond or penal servitude
Perjury5 years of bond or penal servitude
Robbery5 years of bond or penal servitude
Extortion5 years of bond or penal servitude
Horse Theft, Accessory5 years of penal servitude
Horse TheftBranding & 10 years penal servitude
ArsonBranding & 10 years penal servitude
Arson, Accessory5 years of penal servitude
Maiming of an InnocentBranding & 10 years penal servitude
Mutilation of an InnocentBranding & 10 years penal servitude
Torture of an InnocentBranding & 10 years penal servitude

High Crimes, Tried by a Judge
Flight from/to Avoid bond ServitudeSentence converted to penal servitude, one year of time added to time to be served
Leaving area of VilleinageBranding with owners mark and return to owner
Leaving area of Villeinage, BrandedReturn to owner for such punishment as that one deems appropriate, including death
Bribery of an Official500-2500 silver pieces and/or 1 to 5 years penal servitude
CounterfeitingBranding and 10 years of penal servitude
Counterfeiting, Accessory5 years of penal servitude
Desecration of Holy PlaceBranding and 15 years penal servitude
Manslaughter10 years of bond or penal servitude
Rustling10 years of penal servitude
Necromancy15 years of penal servitude
ShipwreckingDeath by exposure in a cage
Shipwrecking, Accessory20 years of penal servitude
Armed/Highway RobberyDeath by hanging
Armed/Highway Robbery, Accessory20 years of penal servitude
KidnappingBranding and 15 years penal servitude
Kidnapping, Accessory10 years of penal servitude
Lese MajestyBranding and 10 years of penal servitude
MurderExecution (usually beheading)
Murder, Accessory20 years of penal servitude
RapeBranding and 15 years penal servitude
Rape, Accessory10 years of penal servitude
SeditionTongue removal, branding, and exile
Sedition, AccessoryBranding and 10 years of penal servitude
SorceryExecution (usually beheading)
TreasonHanging, then drawing and quartering
Treason, AccessoryBeheading
WitchcraftExecution (usually drowning)


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