NEW SPELL: Lightstaff (Ethos of Sunlight)

This spell is exclusive to Lawful Good clerics or those of the Ethos of Sunlight.

Lightstaff (Alteration)
Level: 1, Casting Time: 1/2 turn
Components: V, S, M (staff)
Range: touch
Duration: 1 hour per level of caster
Affected Area: 1 staff
Effect Summary: Any 1 staff becomes a fighting staff of the finest quality and can be commanded as often as once per round to project light in the form of a beam, flair, globe, or ray.

Description: When this spell is cast, the cleric enchants any sort of walking stick or fighting staff such that it functions as a fighting staff of the finest quality for the duration of the spell. In addition, the staff sheds light on the cleric's command in the form of a beam, flare, globe, or ray. Only one such command per round is possible. -The beam will be of any one hew of the visual spectrum, or a mix of all (bright, white light) of 1 yard diameter that extends for 10 feet per level of the caster. It is surrounded by a "halo" of 1 yard radius bright enough to see shadowy forms, detect colors, or note movement. -The flair will appear as a mini-comet that fires from the staff to a distance of up to 10 yards per level of the caster, at a speed of 100 yards per segment. Upon reaching the end of this range, it flairs up into a globe of light brighter than full sunlight but without the ultra-violet rays. The diameter of this sphere is 10 feet per level of the caster and is surrounded by a "halo" of light of radius equal to 10 feet per level of the caster, after which the illumination persists for 1 segment per level of the caster. -The globe gives off light equal to that given off by flaming torches in a radius of 10 feet per caster level centered on the staff. -The ray sends forth a very thin ray of fierce ultra-violet light. It dissipates the power of Lightstaff instantly, however the ray quickly travels to a distance of up to 10 feet per level of the caster. The intense radiation causes 1-2 points of damage on any target. If the target is especially susceptible to ultra-violet radiation or sunlight, then whatever damage would normally accrue is augmented by an exposure multiplier of 1d3. For example, a vampire becomes powerless in direct sunlight and is killed in 10 rounds. The ray will count as 1d3 rounds of exposure to sunlight, so the vampire will lose 10-30% of its hit points and be powerless for 1-3 rounds. The material component is any suitable walking or fighting staff.


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