Although not quite as strong as reds or golds, sky dragons rule the skies above and surrounding the Crescent Mountains. Their wings are said to have the power to manipulate the wind itself granting them superior maneuverability. Their lightning breath weapon is not unique among dragon kind, but they also use a breath of fog. The fog is not poisonous, but it does limit visibility and dampen fire while increasing conductivity for its own electrical breath.

The dragon's strange indigo scales, which generally darken with age, emanate a halo or aura. To say this aura is visible would not be entirely accurate. It has a strange light-negating effect that effectively eclipses any light emanating from the opposite side of the dragon. Indeed, it is surmised that the occasional eclipses of the moon and sun are caused by an ancient and powerful sky dragon of great size. Whether through this aura, its fog breath, or using its control of winds to extinguish flames, the dragon has a lot of ways to obscure vision. Combined with its aerial agility, it can sometimes be impossible to track the dragon until it is too late!

Sky Dragon
Very Rare, 1-4 appearing, 50% in lair
Hit Dice: 8-10, Movement: 9”/24” MC: B

Attacks: The standard attack routine is Claw/Claw/Bite for 1-8/1-8/2-20 damage. If an attacker is at the dragon's rear, it can also use a tail attack. For age categories less than 4, the tail can strike with a powerful bludgeoning force that disregards armor and so strikes as if the target has base AC 10 and causes 1-6 damage. Dragons age category 4 and up have a reach of 20' and can sweep any and all within a 90-degree arc (45 degrees to each side) at its rear. This sweeping attack causes 2-8 damage, stunning any struck for a like number of segments and knocking them prone requiring 1-6 segments to get back to their feet. No attack is possible within the leftover segments of the round, only movement to avoid another lashing. The very bold may attempt to activate a device or cast a spell with remaining segments.

Defense: Armor Class 2. As is typical for dragons, there are saving throw adjustments according to the type of breath weapons used. Water- and electrical-based attacks are made against the sky dragon at -1 “to hit” and damage. The dragon has an aura that negates magical light within 1” radius of the dragon. This also effectively eclipses any light that emanates from the opposite side of the dragon.

Abilities: Very intelligent (60% speaking, 40% spell use), can detect invisible/hidden objects within 1” per age category due to keen senses, produces Fear effect beginning at age 5 as is typical of dragons.

Powers: Those with spell use have spells of the following types, determined randomly, and cumulative by age category; 1-2 = 1st level spell each age category, 3-4 = 2nd level spell each age category, 5 = 3rd level spell, 6 = 4th level spell, 7 = 5th level spell, 8 = 1 additional Druid spell of each level 1 through 4. Unlike other dragons, Sky Dragon may know Druid or Magic-User spells.

Special Capacities: The dragon has four special modes of attack,
  1. Lightning breath weapon causes electrical damage equal to the sky dragon’s hit points to all in a 1” x 8” path. No action may be taken by the dragon in the same round save for flying in a hovering pattern.
  2. Fog breath in a cloud 5” x 4” reduces visibility to 6’, hearing by 50% and making direction of sound indiscernible, causing bow strings to become damp in 1 round reducing range by 50%, reduces intensity of fire by 2 steps per round, in 8 rounds any paper including magical scrolls and tomes become sodden, all fire damage within the area is reduced by 10% per age category of the dragon while electrical damage is increased by 10% per age category of the dragon. No other action may be taken by the dragon in the same round. It must be grounded or the movement of its wings will prevent the cloud from forming. The cloud persists for 1 round per age category of the dragon in open air, or 1 turn per age category in an enclosed space unless dissipated by some other means.
  3. Flapping wings creates a Gust of Wind effect, as if a spell of the same name is cast by a magic-user of level equal to the dragon’s age category, but the affected area is a cone 6” base x 3” length to either flank. If there is sufficient loose debris present, any creature in the affected area will suffer 1 point of abrasion damage for each age category of the dragon. The dragon must be grounded while doing so but may engage in normal frontal and/or rear tail attacks in the same round.
  4. The dragon may use both its wings in concert to direct a Gust of Wind effect in a forward direction, as the spell of the same name cast by a magic-user of level equal to TWICE the dragon’s age category, but the affected area is a 3” x 6” path. There is an additional intersection effect immediately in front of the dragon in a 1” x 3” path equal to a Push spell cast by a magic-user of equal level to the dragon’s age category. If there is sufficient loose debris present, any creature in the affected area will suffer 1d6 points of abrasion damage for each age category of the dragon, save for half applicable, but the final damage will never be less than 1 per age category. No save is allowed for those in the intersection area! The dragon may not make any frontal attack the same round, but may use a rear tail attack, and may produce this effect while flying in a hovering pattern.
Special Vulnerabilities: 30% likely to be asleep if found in lair, may be subdued, air- and fire-based attacks against the sky dragon are made at +1 “to hit” and damage.
Alignment/Ethos/Repute: chaotic neutral with either good or evil tendencies
Wealth: Treasure Type H, S
XP Value: variables preclude a fixed number


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