NEW SPELL: Positive Corona (Ethos of Sunlight

This spell is exclusive to Clerics of Lawful Good alignment or of the Ethos of Sunlight.

Positive Corona (Abjuration)
Level: 2, Casting Time: 1 round
Components: V, S, M (holy symbol)
Range: 0 (centered on caster)
Duration: 1 turn per level of caster
Affected Area: 1" per 4 levels
Effect Summary: Negates various sorts of negetave energy attacks directed at any individual within the affected area. Generally works once or twice before dissipated.

Description: This power creates a hemisphere of positive energy around the caster that negates negative energy until the corona's energy has been dissipated thus. Negative energy negated by this power includes any cleric spells cast by a cleric of any evil alignment (or any darkness ethos) or harmful reverse application by a cleric of neutral alignment (or balance ethos), any magic of necromantic sort that causes any sort of harm to a protected individual, any reverse application of abjuration magic, any form of charm, fear, holding, paralysis, or possession originating from an evil spirit or undead, any energy level draining attack, magic items usable only by evil characters or creatures, and any sort of witchery, sorcery, or dark wizardry that has a malign affect on any person within the hemisphere. Positive Corona initially has a number of energy points equal to the cleric's Wisdom score, +1 for each level of the caster. The amount of energy drained from the corona is according to both the spell level and source of the negative energy, generally 1-4 points for each spell level plus the enemy caster's level or hit dice, so a 6th level evil cleric attempting to bestow curse (3rd level spell), for example, would drain 9-18 points from the protective corona. Energy drains reduce the corona by 1-8 points per level to be drained plus the hit dice of the level draining monster, so a vampire's level drain attack reduces the corona by 10-24 points whereas a wight's level drain attack reduces the corona by 5-12 points. Magic items generally are treated as 8th level casters utilizing a 3rd level spell (and so drain 11-20 points from the corona). If the corona is unable to fully negate the energy of a negative power, the corona is dissipated and the negative power will deliver its full effect. No two Positive Corona spells may be operative in the same area at the same time. Should a second one be cast, the energy of each will negate the other and neither spell will be operative. If not otherwise negated, depleted, or dispelled, the Positive Corona persists for 1 turn per level of the cleric. The radius of the hemisphere is 10 feet for each 4 levels of the caster or fraction thereof (so 20' at levels 5-8, 30' at 9-12, and so on). The material component for this spell is the cleric's holy symbol which must be held or worn visibly for the duration of the power if it is to work.


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