NEW SPELL: Divine Light (Ethos of Sunlight)

Divine Light (Evocation)
Level: 3, Casting Time: 5 segments
Components: V, S, M (holy symbol)
Range: 1" per caster level
Duration: 1 round per caster level
Affected Area: 1" radius per caster level
Effect Summary: Calls forth divine light within the affected area that causes 1d6 damage to all undead within that area, and an additional 1d6 damage each round the undead remains in that area.

Description: This power brings forth a bright white light with full ultra-violet spectrum that causes an immediate 1-6 damage to all undead creatures within the affected area as well as those with susceptibility to full sunlight/ultraviolet radiation. For each further round of exposure spent within the area causes another 1-6 damage. Those with intelligence and volition will possibly forge on to escape the effect and press on to their goal, but less intelligent subjects will generally back away and retreat to the edges of the affected area. The material component for this spell is the cleric's holy symbol which must be held in hand for the duration of the spell.


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