Reworking Clerics

The following outlines three types of priests--Clerics, Deacons, and Exorcists. Cleric have a few extra requirements and several new benefits. The name Clerics remain because this is the type most commonly recommended for PCs. The cleric will have some new powers and benefits pertaining its role in society and communing with the divine. Deacons are mainly recommended as NPCs. 80% of NPC clerics will actually be Deacons. They have fewer requirements, but it generally takes them a lot longer to work through all the ranks. 4th or 5th level is essentially the level cap for most Deacons. Though for those who never marry or who are widows/widowers, upon surpassing age 60 advance to Senior Deacons (or Archdeacons) and some time thereafter may become ordained as priests.

Exorcists use the same titles, requirements, and benefits as clerics with a couple of important differences. First, they may still advance in level without meeting the requirements. However, they will advance only in their capacity for Exorcist powers (these powers forthcoming in future installments on this blog), not priestcraft ability. Higher levels of Priestcraft are only possible upon successful completion of that level's requirements. It is thus entirely possible that a 12th level Exorcist, capable of using 6th grade exorcist powers, only has the social ranking within the church as an Underpriest and is capable only of 3rd grade priestcraft power use. As a general rule, Exorcists are afforded a lot more freedom and leeway, but are not as esteemed among the Ecclesiastic orders. Such is life for those who do the dirty work.

Rank and Benefits for Clerics, Deacons, and Exorcists
D&D LevelTitle* (Cleric/Deacon)Additional Level Requirements**Level Benefits
1Acolyte (both)Wis > 8Rites: Baptism
2Adept/DevoteeInt+Wis > 23 / Vow of ChastityHumankind: Philosophy & Ethics, Law & Customs, OR Psychology*** / none
3Jr Seminarian / LectorStr+Con > 21 / noneHumankind: Theology & Myth / Humankind: Philosophy & Ethics****
4Sr Seminarian / DeaconPass Gen Ethics Test (both)none / Rites: Wedding, Minor Blessing, May preach, Church Baptisms per Pastor
5Trans/Perm DeaconVow of Celibacy / INT 10+Chr -1, Int or Wis (lower) +1 / Salary, Humankind: Theology & Myth
6Underpriest /
Senior Deacon
Pass Spec T&M / age 61+ Celibacynone / Humankind: Law & Customs
7Priest / ElderOrdained by Bishop (both)Consecrate, Rites: Penance, Service, Anoint the Sick (both), partial confirmation / Salary Increase
8Vicar / MonsignorChosen by Bishop (both)Major Blessing (both) / Salary Increase
9Pastorbuild church / noneGuidance, Rites: Wedding, full, Head of Parish (both) / Salary Increase
10Pastor (10th level)none / nonenone / none
11BishopPass Law & Customs TestRites: Ordination, full confirmation, Excommunication, Salary
12Bishop (12th level)

13Bishop (13th level)

14Bishop (14th level)

15Bishop (15th level)

16ArchbishopWis > 17Enter Sanctum
17PatriarchWis > 17Anathema, Learn 8th level spells
18Patriarch (18th level)

19Patriarch (19th level)

20Patriarch (20th level)

21CardinalWis > 17Enter Deital Realm, Learn 9th level spells
22Cardinal (22nd level)

23(approx level) PrelateOnly by succession and electionHuman Head of Pantheon
*Exorcists use Cleric titles.
**An exorcist can still advance in level even if failing to meet requirements, but does not gain new title, status, or benefits. They will not improve in Priestcraeft casting ability, only in Exorcism castings, until meeting the requirements indicated.
***At this rank, an exorcist gains Supernatural & Unusual as major field, with Demonology as Special Category
****At this rank, an exorcist gains Humankind as a minor field

Rank-by-Rank Explanation of titles, requirements, and benefits:

1st level
All persons with the ability to use powers of Priestcraft will begin as Acolytes. This is not a formal title or ranking within the order. At this level, the character is assumed to have contact with a priest of the church. As a member of the church in good standing, the character will be able to perform baptisms and death rites but typically only during emergencies, for it is the Deacon who performs in-church baptisms.

2nd level
Upon reaching 2nd level, the character must choose whether to pursue the path of the Cleric, Deacon, or Exorcist. To be a Cleric, the character must have combined Int+Wis greater than 23, and it is advisable (looking ahead to the next level) for Str+Con to also be greater than 21 before choosing this option. If the character goes the path of the Deacon, a Vow of Chastity is required, barring the character from sex outside of marriage. The Exorcist is expected to meet the same requirement as the cleric, Int+Wis > 23. An exorcist who does not meet this minimum will still be considered an Acolyte for social ranking purposes and will remain at 1st level of ability with regards to powers of priestcraft but will otherwise advance to 2nd level of ability and will be considered 2nd level with regards to powers of exorcism.

The 2nd level benefit for clerics and exorcists meeting the ability requirement is they gain limited knowledge as a sage. The Cleric will have "Humankind" as the major area of study and may choose one special category--Philosophy & Ethics, Law & Customs, or Psychology. At the DM's option, the cleric may gain 1 point of Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma respectively, provided the new score does not exceed 15. The Exorcist will have Supernatural & Unusual as the major field with Demonology as the specialized category. The % chance of knowing the answer to a question is the absolute minimum percentage a sage would have. These scores increase by 1d4% per level achieved, never to exceed the maximum for a sage.

3rd level
3rd level clerics most have Str+Con greater than 21, and if they meet the requirement, they will begin learning the special category of Theology & Myth. Whether they meet the requirement or not, they are typically offered a permanent post in the church as a lector (they become an NPC if accepting). The Deacon at this level begins learning Philosophy & Ethics and may receive gifts and donations for his services. The Exorcist learns Humankind as a minor field of study.

4th level
One attaining enough XP to reach 4th level, the cleric must pass a test as part of his training. The test requires the cleric to answer correctly three general questions on Philosophy & Ethics (as determined by the Sage ability percentage). Failure means having to start back at the beginning of level 3 and earning all over again enough XP to reach level 4. However, the failed training does improve sage ability percentages as if the character had gained a new level. The exorcist likewise must face the same test, though the likelihood of the exorcist passing is much, much less. That's okay, though, because failure will still allow the exorcist to advance to the next level as an exorcist. Each level thereafter, the exorcist will be texted again. But until passing, priestcraft casting ability will be limited to 3rd level capacity.

Deacons also face the same test but will have the easiest time as they surely have the right specialty for it. Deacons who pass this test become full Deacons and may perform wedding rites, confer minor blessings, may preach, and will be able to perform any baptismal rites with the knowledge and approval of the church pastor. Though the deacon may not charge a fee for these services, he may accept the gifts that are (commonly) offered. Deacons may be married at the time of becoming a full Deacon, but Deacons who are not married may not marry later on once accepting this post.

5th level
Clerics reaching 5th level are assumed to have completed seminary school and are given a transitional role as a Deacon as the next step towards becoming an ordained priest. In order to qualify for this role, the cleric must at this time, or at some point prior, swear to a vow of Celibacy. The cleric must not be married, and from here on forward may never marry. Because of being denied a very profound sort of social interaction, the Cleric loses 1 point of Chr, not to drop below 6. However, sharpened focus adds 1 point to the lower of Int or Wis. As usual, Exorcists may forgo this requirement and still advance as an exorcist, but will not gain in priestcraft ability use until meeting missed requirements.

Deacons reaching 5th level must have at least 10 intelligence or else are forever limited to 4th level. This is the minimum intelligence to ensure the Deacon will be literate and able to learn to speak, read, and write the Church language. If meeting the requirements, he will earn a modest salary as well as having the opportunity to learn deeper knowledge of Theology & Myth special category.
6th level
Clerics attaining enough experience to reach 6th level are once again tested. This time the questions are specific questions of Theology & Myth. Failure to answer all three questions correctly sends the character back to 5th level, but with Sage scores improved as if a level had been attained. Deacons may only advance to 6th level if they meet an age requirement of 61+ years, and only if they were never married or if a widow or widower. In the latter cases, a vow of celibacy is required at this time. Deacons advancing to level 6 add the special category Law & Customs to their knowledge repertoire.

7th level
For Clerics and Deacons alike, reaching level 7 means becoming full priests of the order. They must be ordained by the Bishop at this time, or sometime prior. They will not enjoy the benefits of 7th level until such a time as they are ordained by a Bishop. Once ordained, they gain the ability to consecrate, to perform rites of service and penance, and to anoint the sick. They may also confirm any adult that has been baptized or is being baptized at the same time as the confirmation. Deacons achieving this level are eligible for a salary increase.

8th level
For Clerics and Deacons alike, apart from gaining enough experience to reach 8th level, they must be chosen by the Bishop to fill the rank of Vicar or Monsignor. An NPC reaction check should be made (modified by the Cleric of Deacon's Charisma score, of course) with results of Friendly and Enthusiastically Friendly indicating immediate advancement to Vicar, results that are Neutral or Uncertain send the character back to the start of level 7 and must work back up sufficient experience for level 8 again to get another chance (with the positive/negative prone modifier if applicable). Results of Hostile or Violently Hostile indicate the character may advance no further as a Cleric or Deacon. Vicars and Monsignors may grant Major Blessings. Monsignors are eligible for a salary increase.

9th level
Generally Clerics must build their own church at this time to become Pastors while Monsignors advancing to level 9 are granted a post. Clerics over the age of 61 may also be granted posts however. Pastors are the head of their church or parish, capable of offering (or seeking) divine Guidance and with full authority to perform (or delegate) canonical rites of wedding. Those granted a post are eligible for a higher salary. Clerics building a church retains a percentage of donations and tithes to it.

11th level
Becoming a Bishop requires passing a third and final test, this one requiring correct answers to three exacting questions about the laws and customs of the clerical order as well as the local laws and customs of every village, town, or city which hosts a member church to the Diocese. Bishops may perform any of the rites or sacraments, earns a salary whether of the Cleric or Deacon path, and has powers of excommunication.

12th level and beyond
Past this point, PCs often retire to NPC status. Even when that's not the case, beyond this point, new titles are few and far between. The character's role in the order's political structure would be something to be role-played rather than detailed here.


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