NEW MAGIC ITEM Fibonacci's Energy Nodes

Fibonacci's Energy Nodes

Made from a strange mineral putty that can come in one of four colors, black, red, green, and violet. It has two uses. First, a chestnut-size pinch can be affixed to a projectile such as an arrow, bolt, stone, or pellet, thereby transferring magical qualities to the projectile increasing hit probability and damage of the attack. A projectile so enhanced by a black node adds +1 to hit probability but damage is enhanced by +3, a red node is +2 to hit and +5 damage,a green node is +3 to hit, +8 damage, and a violet node is +5 to hit and +13. For purposes of attacking monsters requiring magic weapons to be hit, the node-enhanced projectile counts as +1, +1, +2, and +3 weapons respectively according to color. The node is consumed in the attack whether it hits or misses.

The second use it has is to allow a character who holds a chestnut-sized pinch in hand to absorb its energy while casting a memorized spell. When used in this manner, the spell cast is retained in the caster’s memory rather than being erased in use, provided the energy contained in the node is sufficient to power the spell. A black node is capable of powering a 1st level spell, a red node up to a 2nd level spell, a green node up to a 3rd level spell, and a violet node up to a 5th level spell.

The energy provided by a black node in this way is equal to a 3rd level caster, a red node equal to 5th level, a green equal to 8th level, and a violet equal to 13th level. If the spell is cast solely through the energy in the node, the spell will be cast as if by a caster of the indicated level, or the caster’s own, whichever is lower. The spell caster may also opt to partially power the spell, doing so adds 2, 3, 5, or 8 levels respectively to the caster’s own (but never more than doubling the caster’s level) for purposes of determining range, duration, effect, and potency with regards to being countered or dispelled. This, of course, causes the memorized spell to be forgotten as usual.

More than one node may be used in casting, but it does not increase the level of the spell it is capable of powering, nor can its total added energy in casting level exceed the spellcaster’s own caster level. The typical amount of mineral mass found depends on color type. Black deposits are typically equal to 1d6+7 chestnut-sized pinches, red 1d4+4, green 1d3+2, and violet 1d3.

XP Value: 610, GP Sale Value: 4181


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