NEW MAGIC ITEM Spear +2, Impaler

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Spear +2, Impaler

As with any spear, it deals double damage when firmly set to receive a charge. When used otherwise, any “to hit” roll of 20 or higher (modified only by the weapon’s magical bonus) also indicates damage is doubled. If the Impaler deals double damage, whether set to receive a charge, or whether by lucky die roll, there is a chance it will instantly slay its target. The probability is a percent chance equal to the defender’s armor class plus or minus any “to hit” modifier applicable in the attack.

Note that attack penalties applied due to aiming at specific vulnerable or vital areas may instead be counted as bonuses with regard to the percentile roll for instant death. Further note that the probability for instant death is only applicable in cases where the defender has vital organs to puncture. Creatures like skeletons, slimes, and constructs cannot be slain by this means.

XP Value: 1,750 xp, GP Sale Value: 15,000 gp

Additional variations: Spear +1 (800 xp, 6,000 gp), Polearm +1 (700 xp, 5,250 gp)


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