12 Story Hooks at the Tavern

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It's been said "you meet at a tavern" is no way to kick off a story, campaign, or epic adventure. It's too over-done, too cliche. Nonetheless, left complete to their own devices, two out of three players will decide their character heads to the tavern. So unless you plan on leading your players by the nose through the adventure, it is prudent to be prepared to begin here:

  1. A female merchant is looking to hire armed couriers to make an important delivery.
  2. A female merchant is looking to hire armed escorts for a business meeting with some unsavory characters.
  3. The dark-cloaked man in the corner is about to propose a mission to the player characters when he suddenly dies mid-sentence. A suspicious man is seen darting out of the tavern immediately after.
  4. A serving wench tells the party of a cave a mere 2 hour ride from town where there are said to be jewels and riches. She is one of the bandit chief’s lovers and she is sending the party into an ambush to be robbed.
  5. A group of boastful men claim to have a treasure map and invite the PCs to join them on their adventure. They insist the PCs get drunk with them to seal the partnership.
  6. A group of boastful men claim to have a treasure map and insist the PCs get drunk with them to seal the partnership. They actually intend to wait until the PCs pass out and carry them out to be sold as galley slaves.
  7. While conversing with the barkeep about fine spirits, he mentions a very special sort that is prohibited in town. He knows where he can get it, but the problem is getting it through the gates. At some point the idea is hatched that the PCs may be able to smuggle some of the stuff in.
  8. While conversing with the barkeep about fine spirits, the idea is hatched for the PCs to smuggle in a prohibited sort of spirit. The barkeep is actually a spy/assassin and the PCs would be smuggling in something far more insidious--deadly poison, a weapon of some sort, a treasonous plan or evidence, etc.
  9. A minstrel sings a fantastic tale of a long lost treasure. It is a local folk tale. If true, it would be nearby. And something about the way he tells the story suggests he may know something about it.
  10. A fight breaks out between two patrons. When it’s broken up, the PCs learn the two men are brothers, and each refuses to tell what the fight is about. If some magic is used to get the information from them, it is revealed that they are fighting over the affections of a woman who happens to be married to one of the local noblemen. What is not known is the woman is a witch or perhaps a succubus.
  11. A fight breaks out between two patrons. When it’s broken up, the PCs learn the two men are brothers, and each refuses to tell what the fight is about. If some magic is used to get the information from them, it is revealed that they are fighting over what to do about some ancient treasure vault they’ve found. What is not known is that a curse is upon any who remove any of the riches from the vault.
  12. A traveling fortune-teller is enjoying a meal at the tavern with her companions. One of the PCs notice her watching him with a beguiling stare. If approached, she offers to foretell his future. The fortune will be amusing but ultimately come true in precise detail at a point in time when the PC or PCs face a major decision compelling enough to seek the fortune-teller out at the next town.


  1. oooh! I really like 3, 4, and 12. In 4, it would also be great if the girl hates her 'lover', or just simply has greedy designs on the loot, and wants to hire the pcs to help her get it. There's a lot of cool stuff coming t mind with that one.
    $ is awesome; I can see the players looking around trying to find the culprit, tearing threw town in a chase scene; with the town guard starting to chase them chasing the assassin (or is he?...)
    12 seems like it could fit in somewhere , as a launchpad for anything, even for that specific pc.
    Good stuff *thumbs up* ;)

    1. I can definitely see your point on #4. I was particular to word it to suggest she is not the bandit chiefs only lover. Gives her a lot of reason to be resentful.

      I like it when a set up is interesting no matter which way it goes. I would leave it to an NPC reaction roll (based on the Charisma of whatever male PC talks to her, or talks first), with a "friendly" result indicating her willingness to sleep with the PC, and if that comes to pass she offers to tell him a secret on condition he swears to tell no one, not even his friends.

      She then gives him specific instructions to follow, "When you approach the great hollowed oak, fall back from the rest of the group, move to the left off the path, climb to the top of the rocks and wait." If the PC follows those instructions while the rest of the party moves forward, that PC will be in a position to release a trap that will thwart the bandits waiting to ambush the party and will allow them to kill or capture the chief.

      Something like that.

    2. I like that! keep 'em wondering if she's gonna double cross them or not. Maybe she tells the pc they need a certain charm or wand to disengage a ward or trap at the cave; maybe an item that they just so happen to have, or she knows where to get it...furthering suspicion...paranoia is so much fun! ;)


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