An Encounter with Goblins
Unbeknownst to the party, one of the NPCs they disclosed their quest to was secretly a spy. Because of this indiscretion, the enemies in the following encounter knew the PCs were coming and had set up an ambush.
The party consists of:
- Kizya, Female Human Champion (7th level Fighter)
- Zoltar, Male Human Magsman (8th level Thief)
- Nadja, Female Human Magician (6th level Magic-User)
- Jada, Female Half-Elf Prefect Thaumaturgist (C5/MU5)
- Zogath, Male Half-Orc Curate Myrmidon (C4/F6)
- Viktor, Male Human Myrmidon (6th level Fighter)
Nadja also made the mistake of drinking liquor at the tavern from the bartender’s personal stash and is suffering from such a severe hangover that any time she casts a spell, she will be unable to act on the following round due to debilitating headache.
The PCs came upon a homestead on the edge of a dark forest. Hoping the inhabitant would have important information, they headed to the front door of the cabin, traversing the space between the cabin and the barn. Upon reaching point A, goblin slingers appeared in the second floor windows of the barn and the farmhouse.
Already, we can identify the 5 critical elements of this encounter.
- Launch - When the party reaches Location A. Note that this is roughly at the center of the map, and in any direction there is at least some obstacle complicating any retreat.
- Environment - The homestead on the edge of the dark forest, as detailed by the Map.
- Dragon - The Goblins.
- Gold - The information the PCs hope to obtain. Though there will be other treasures that more closely resemble gold, it's the information that provides the motivation for the PCs engaging in the encounter.
- Exodus - The encounter will end when the goblins are defeated (killed, driven off, captured) or if the PCs successfully flee (per the usual Pursuit & Evasion rules).
With all these pieces in place, we can look at a summary of an actual play through of this encounter.
A surprise roll indicated the party was not surprised. Most fortunate for them.
Kizya quickly made her way to the front porch of the cabin (location D), shielding her from the line of fire of the slingers in the cabin but providing her line of fire on the slingers in the barn. Zoltar ran for cover behind the tree at location B, and, Nadja took cover behind the bush and Viktor behind the rock at location C. Jada began casting Protection from Normal Missiles, while Zogath guarded her with his magic shield of missile deflection.
The following round, Jada and Zogath headed towards locations B and C to rejoin the rest of the party. In so doing, they drew all the slinger fire from which they were well-protected. This provided the rest of the opportunity to begin picking off the slingers with missile fire. Realizing the slingers in the cabin were outside of Kizya’s line of sight, Viktor headed toward the cabin window at location E.
As soon as Viktor entered the cabin, a large group of 22 goblins armed with morning stars and military picks emerged from the wooded area to attack Zoltar, Jada, Najda, and Zogath. Kizya worked to finish picking off the slingers in the barn so she could move to defend the rest of the party. Meanwhile, as Viktor made his way up the stairs, he realized that in addition to the 6 goblin slingers were 10 goblin spearmen and a goblin serjeant.
Viktor unleashed hell on the goblins. He slew enough of them in the next 2 rounds that their morale broke and they began to flee. At the same time, Kizya had just taken out the last of the slingers in the barn, only to find the barn door open with 10 goblins with spears and a serjeant charging her. Seeing as how a well-placed Sleep spell from Najda incapacitated half the goblins, Zoltar moved to back up Kizya. He made it to around location A at the time the goblins began to charge.
This led to a round where the initiative rolls were tied, and a great illustration of how the 1E initiative system works.
Viktor, Zogath, and Kizya, as fighters, are entitled to multiple attack routines. However Kizya is not in melee at the start of the round. So Viktor and Zogath go first, each getting 3 attacks at the goblins before initiative is even counted!
The 4 remaining goblin slingers from the cabin flee out the window. Viktor gets free attacks against each of them as they turn their backs and flee. The remaining goblins in the cabin flee without free attacks as Viktor is not facing them. He slays 3 out of the 4 slingers.
Jada is using a quarter staff, which (speed factor 4) which is quicker than the goblins’ morning stars and military picks (speed factor 7), and so she attacks next.
Midway through the goblins’ charge (from location F, towards location D), they pass by Zoltar (at location A) who is allowed free attacks against the goblins rushing by him. In 3 x 3 formation, 3 of the goblins are subject to free attacks by Zoltar.
Najda is casting a spell with casting time 2. It’s tied initiative, and her casting time is less than the goblins’ weapon speed, so her spell completes next—her continual light blinds the goblins with the morning stars and military picks, so they will have an attack penalty.
The charge attack resolves next. The goblin spears have greater reach than Kizya’s broadsword, so the 8 surviving spear goblins and their goblin serjeant all attack Kizya next. She suffers 3 hits but is otherwise fine. As a 7th level fighter, against 0th level goblins, she gets 3 attacks at the beginning of the round (which she didn’t have targets for) 3 at the end, and one at initiative. Since we’re resolving the charge, she has 1 attack at this time.
The goblins with the picks and morning stars go next, but between the blinding and a bit of luck, they all fail to land telling blows.
Zogath now gets his 3 end of round attacks against the now blinded goblins. Viktor has no enemies within striking distance. Kizya now gets her 3 end of round attacks.
On the next round, Kizya is entitled to a total of 7 attacks against all the goblins but the serjeant. The goblin serjeant, however, pays the price for leaving his back exposed to Zoltar, and Zoltar dispatches the serjeant.
Zogath with his 6 attacks and an assist from Jada is able to clean up the blinded goblins.
The sole remaining slinger drops down from the covering of the porch just in time to see Kizya butchering his companions. The spearmen from inside the cabin burst through the open door onto the same scene as well, but with Viktor hot on their heels.
The PCs cut through the goblins so quickly and efficiently at that point that only two of them even have the chance to surrender.
The usual looting and searching of bodies occurs after that. While searching the home, they do come upon the occupant who had been wounded by the goblins, and the PCs may offer aid and question him from there.
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