NEW MAGIC ITEM Scimitar +1, Noonsblade

Scimitar +1, Noonsblade

The Noonsblade provides bonuses in combat identical to the Flame Tongue sword (+2 vs regenerating creatures, +3 vs cold-using, inflammable, or avian creatures, +4 vs undead). Beyond that, there are some notable differences. Like a Flame Tongue, it sheds light only when its possessor speaks a command word or phrase. But the sword fills a 50 foot radius sphere with light equal to full sunlight. It will not ignite fires as does a Flame Tongue, but any undead or other creature susceptible to sunlight will suffer the effects of being exposed to full daylight. Subterranean creatures will have to save vs spell or be blinded for 1d4 rounds as their eyes adjust to the light, after such time any normal penalties associated with operating in full daylight are applicable. No natural shadows will persist in the area, and unnatural shadows are diminished in all capacities by 25% each round, being snuffed out completely in 4 rounds if they are not able to escape the area before then. Any shadow magic is reduced in effectiveness by 50% and any duration will be cut short, limited to 1d4 rounds..

XP Value: 850 xp, Sale Value: 6,750 gp

Additional variations: Sword +2, +5 vs undead (XP Value: 1,500 xp, Sale Value: 7,500 gp)


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