5 Steps for Selling 5E Players on Your 1E Game

A great RPG adventure can transcend the particular rule set you are using, but at the end of the day, you have to settle on some particular set of rules, RPG, and edition to use. It's usually wise for GMs to go with a system they're familiar with and comfortable running. Long time, old-school GMs have had decades to gather experience creating and running adventures, and there's no reason those great adventures would be unappreciated by newer players. Thus we arrive at the question of, if you're a DM who works best with 1E, how do you get players who prefer 5E to give your game a try? Here are my 5 steps for breaking down the barrier. STEP 1: If these gamers don't really know me, a quick introduction, one that puts them at ease. But the real key is to find out what they get out of RPGs in general and/or 5E specifically. " Hey, I've got some adventure ideas I've been working on that have me pretty excited, and I'd like to try to run them, but...