For the Umpteenth Time: Demi-Human Level Limits

This Again? Demi-Human Level Limits We've seen the debates. We've heard the sides. We've even heard this is an artifact of the past, dead and buried. We've moved on. No more demi-human level limits. We've found better ways to "balance" things out. But is balance really what these level limits were about in the first place? If so, why do halflings pretty much get the shaft when it comes to level limits? Do we really think they would take over the game if not for such tight limits? And why, if it's so important that we don't allow Elves to level endlessly over their thousand year lifespan, are they allowed limitless advancement as Thieves? One thing I've seen missing in the arguments is the idea that "classes" are social constructs. And in a humanocentric world, those social constructs tend to be mainly human social constructs. And so it only makes sense that demi-humans would face limitations. No matter how much an advantage th...